Hedgehog Howdedo

My most favourite time of year is autumn. I love the crisp air, the colours of the changing leaves against the big blue sky and the dark nights snuggled in the house!

I love encouraging children to explore autumn, crunch in the leaves, find the treasures of autumn hidden under leaves, print with leaves and soak it all in! I share the story by Lynley Dodd and we make clay hedgehogs to hide!

Making hedgehogs always reminds me of bread making with my nana and making lovely bread hedgehogs! So this morning to accompany our homemade carrot soup me and the littlest digger have made bread hedgehogs! Yum yum! They won’t win any beauty contests but certainly will taste good with our not quite homegrown soup (our onions and garlic but shop bought carrots! Almost sacrilege but our carrot crop was rubbish!)



Cold Cabbages

Head Gardener having to be very busy now all his digging minions have gone.


He had built a cold frame. This is now next to the brassica bed. It is housing the winter cabbages.


I hope it works.

In the greenhouse the winter salad leaves and Christmas spuds are looking great.



It’s great that even when lots of things are coming to an end there is new life and produce just around the corner.

Fantastic Friday Fact

Our garden is set out in 3 patches; roots, brassicas and other. In planting and thinking of next year’s produce we discovered that radish, turnip and swede despite the fact the part you eat is a root and are classed as root vegetables are all members of the brassica family so should be grown in that area.

In researching this fact I found out that turnip is believed to have originated as a cross between a cabbage and a swede! Who knew?!